El Proyecto Fenix

Enroll A Family for only $150

Become a Sponsor by Enrolling a Family Into Our Program!
Sponsors are the life blood of EPF! It is through their generosity and commitment, EPF families receive basic assistance to help launch them into becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining. It is due to the Sponsor’s commitment, that EPF is able to continue adding families and making a difference.


El Proyecto Fenix provides training, support, and encouragement to families with the end goal of improving their overall well-being and independence.  Graduates of the program will help new candidates, creating a system of sustainability!

The Fenix Empowerment Project

Cooperative Economics – the vehicle that drives EPF to the GOAL, and the glue that EPF relies on through Donors’ and Sponsors’ contributions to provide the initial one-time funding for enrollment in the project. Through the shared funding within the project, each family will receive a stipend, provided they complete all requirements demonstrating responsibility, accountability, and basic economic principles. These families will in turn provide enrollment of new families. 

The generosity of Donors and Sponsors supply the means for the project to function and thrive. The participating families are the fruit of the project’s efforts once they become self-sustaining and sponsor other families along with volunteered services for the ongoing success of the project.

Project Process:

Application process
o Interview and Evaluation –
o Date for Orientation
 12 months of Training Sessions –
 Assistance with potential employment
 Monthly Stipend

“Friends”; (those with a strong personal or philosophical
connection) with El Proyecto Fenix willing to provide their support without
any expectation of material return.

Business interests or entities that have budgeted cash and in-kind
support who believe that investing will make a better community and
generate a tangible return for them.

  • Families – identified families living in substandard housing with little or
    no income to sustain them.
  • Volunteers – people with a desire to give their time, talent, and
    treasury for the good of the community

Enroll A Family Today!

Sponsors and Volunteers

What people say?

I had no Idea! I will never forget what I have witnessed here today! This shouldn't be anyone's standard of living.
Expat & Volunteer
Wow, I am truly humbled. EL Proyecto is truly changing lives.
Expat & Volunteer