El Proyecto Fenix


Sponsors are those with a strong philosophical or personal connection to El Proyecto Fenix, Inc.  Those willing to provide their support from a heart and desire to ‘give-back’ into communities with dire basic life supporting needs without any expectation of material return.


Sponsors are the life blood of EPF!  It is through their generosity and commitment, EPF families receive basic assistance to help launch them into becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining.  It is due to the Sponsor’s commitment, that EPF is able to continue adding families and making a difference.

​There is no better feeling in the world than knowing that a simple act of kindness can make such an enormous difference in someone’s life.  Join this brigade of givers today.  Become a difference maker in the lives of families who will forever be changed by your generosity.


El Proyecto Fenix, Inc., its board members, and all the participating families are eternally grateful to you, for your consideration, contributions, and support. Also, consider a partnership.